Postgresql – Poor execution plan leads to query time increasing dramatically


I have a relatively complex query like the one that follows

select * from (
      distinct on("car") as "car",
      metric as "last_visit"
  from now() ref_date
  cross join (values (142), (432), (583), (448), (381)) entity(id)
  left join (
        gv.car_id as _entity_id,
        gv.start as _tc_past,
        gv.start as _keep_max_of, as metric
    from garage_visits gv
    left join garage_tree_flat gtf on gtf.descendant_id = gv.garage_id
    left join garage g on = gtf.parent_id
    where true
    and price != 0
    and  g.type = 2
  ) x
  on x._entity_id =
    and _tc_past < ref_date
    and _tc_past >= ref_date - interval '12 weeks'
    order by "car", _keep_max_of desc
) t
where t."last_visit" is not null;

My problem is that the query running time will vary tremendously based on the number of elements that are present in cross join (values (...)).

Namely, I have the following average running times depending on how many values there are:

# of car_id values avg running time
1 25ms
2 30ms
3 35ms
4 40ms
5 4900ms
6 4900ms
7 4900ms

Checking the execution plan for both versions (up to 3 values or more than 3 values) shows that the culprit is the index scan on garage_visits gv. This table contains several million rows.

In the case of up to 3 car_ids, the index condition on garage_visits is as follows:

Node Type: Index Scan
Index Name: ix_gv_car_id
Index Cond: (gv.car_id = "*VALUES*".column1)
Actual Duration: 0.687ms

In the case of more than 3 car_ids, the index condition on garage_visits is as follows:

Node Type: Index Scan
Index Name: ix_gv_garage_id
Index Cond: (gv.garage_id = gtf.descendant_id)
Actual Duration: 3386.068ms

As we can observe, with up to three values, the query planner decides to filter garage_visits by car_id, and outputs only these rows, which is extremely fast. But with more than three car_id values, the planner decides against using this information and instead filters garage_visits by gtf.descendant_id instead, which dramatically changes the execution time because there are many more gtf.descendant_id values than there are car_ids values.

Is there a way to keep using the ix_gv_car_id index but with more than 3 car_id values? It looks like it's simply a wrong choice here from the query planner and it's frustrating to see that this query could run really fast (even for 30 or 50 values) but instead spends a lot of wasted time.

Best Answer

You can force it not use that index by rewriting the join condition to gtf.descendant_id = gv.garage_id + 0. Whether it will then switch to the good plan, or just switch to a different bad plan is not something we can predict. You will have to try it and see.

If you want use to analyze why it is making the wrong choice, you will have to show us the complete plans, not just your interpretations of them.