Postgresql – PgAdmin III – How to connect to database when password is empty


I have installed PostgreSQL 9.1 on my PC (Win 7). I have a small Java application connecting successfully to it with login=sa and password="". The connection works.

However, it is refused from PgAdmin III itself. I get:

Error connecting to the server: fe_sendauth: no password supplied

How do I connect to my database from PgAdmin III with an empty password?


This is just a test, not production code.

Best Answer

I can connect to my postgres instance from pgAdmin III without a password for any user including superusers such as postgres.

Because you are connecting ok from another client, there is no reason you should not be able to connect from pgAdmin if they are on the same workstation - unless some firewall rule on the client itself is allowing one program but not another.

If the problem is specific to this client, you may need to change one or more of:

  • pg_hba.conf
host    sa    all         192.168.0.nnn/32     trust
  • postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = '*'
  • the firewall on your postgres server, eg iptables:
-A INPUT -s 192.168.0.nnn -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT

But I recommend you don't do any of this. The manual says the following with good reason:

trust authentication is only suitable for TCP/IP connections if you trust every user on every machine that is allowed to connect to the server by the pg_hba.conf lines that specify trust. It is seldom reasonable to use trust for any TCP/IP connections other than those from localhost (

Instead, consider either:

  • using a password and md5 identification
  • tunnelling port 5432 over ssh