Postgresql – pg_hba.conf from PostgreSQL


I have no idea how to configure that pg_hba.conf file, to connect with my server via pgAdmin. Right now i was trying to add:

host all all trust

host all all md5

host user_name database_name ip_adress trust

host all all ip_adress trust/md5

and others..

I've got a postgresql server. My provider says that i must connect by adress: and 5432 port. There is no ssl on the server. I've got user and password. Can somebody please help me, to deal with this?

Best Answer

If you have to connect via TCP/IP using IPv4, i.e., the most common situation, you should check what is your IP address. Ince you have it, add this line to pg_hba.conf file on the server. This line should be added after all lines that start with local and before other lines that start with host:

host databasename username ipaddress/32 md5

if youo don't know your ip address, or if it is variable (for a dialup line), then use instead of ipaddress/32. This way you will allow connection from any IP address.

But, if your provider is responsible for postgresql, then he should make thee changes. Are you sure you need to configure that file on the server?

If you are only responsible for your client machine, and you want to connect via pgAdminIII, then just use the hostname portnumber username and password provided by your provider. If you cannot connect using these settings, please come back here and write what is the exact error you get from pgAdminIII.