PostgreSQL: permission denied for relation


I'm a bit confused about setting permissions in PostgreSQL.

I have these roles:

                             List of roles
 Role name |                   Attributes                   | Member of 
 admin     | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication | {}
 meltemi   | Create role, Create DB                         | {rails}
 rails     | Create DB, Cannot login                        | {}
 myapp     |                                                | {rails}

and databases:

                                    List of databases
        Name         | Owner  | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    | Access privileges 
 myapp_production    | rails  | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 

user myapp has no problem querying the myapp_production database adding & deleting records. I'd like for meltemi to also be able to query the same database. So, I created a role rails which owns the database and made both meltemi and myapp members of rails. But I still get permission denied for relation errors. Meltemi can view the schema but can't query the DB.

I just noticed (with \dt command) that myapp is the owner of the tables:

             List of relations
 Schema |       Name        | Type  | Owner 
 public | events            | table | myapp
 public | schema_migrations | table | myapp
 public | users             | table | myapp

The tables were created via an ORM (Rails' ActiveRecord migrations).

I know authorization is very different in PostgreSQL (as opposed to MySQL & others I've used). How should I be setting up my database so that different users can access it. Some should be able to CRUD but others may only be able to Read, etc…

Thanks for any help. Sorry, I know this is a very basic question but I haven't been able to find the answer myself.

Best Answer

I just wrote about this in my answer to Granting rights on postgresql database to another user on ServerFault.

Basically, the best solution when you have a single user and you want to grant other users the same rights is to turn that user into a group, create a new user with the same name as the original one that's a member of the group, and grant that group to other users too.

So in your case, rails gets renamed to say myapp_users, then you create a new login role (user) named rails and GRANT myapp_users TO rails. Now you an GRANT myapp_users TO meltemi. Both the new rails account and the meltemi user now have the rights of the old railsaccount.

For more fine-grained control I ususally advise that you avoid giving the day-to-day login users or their groups ownership of the tables. Give them access via a NOINHERIT group they must explicitly SET GROUP to, or better, use a completely different user for privileged operations like DDL and GRANTs. Unfortunately this doesn't work with Rails, because Rails likes to apply migrations whenever it feels like it and AFAIK doesn't give you the ability to specify a different, more-privileged user to run the migrations as.