Postgresql – Pass ‘interval’ value to date_trunc function in PostgreSQL procedure


I am fetching the "age" of two timestamp columns (End and Start) and further choosing it as to_char 'MM' format. So I have the difference of the months from two timestamp columns.

The syntax in the above statement goes like :

i = (select to_char(age(End,Start),'MM'));

interval_value = (select i || ' month'); 

Also tried: interval_value = i || ' Month'


Passing the value of 'i' in another function date_trunc of PostgreSQL.

xyz = (select date_trunc('month',Start::date) + interval_value::text::interval);

The data types for the above variables are:

i numeric :=0

xyz date;

interval_value varchar;

But it doesn't seem to work.

Is there any alternate approach I could use here. The main idea is to get the difference from two timestamps in months and then further passing the difference into the date_trunc function.

Best Answer

I am not entirely sure about your objective, but what you show works with legal identifiers. "end" is a reserved word and I wouldn't use "start" either. Reserved words require double-quoting, best avoided to begin with:

   ts_start       timestamp := '2019-03-20 00:00:00';  -- legal name
   ts_end         timestamp := '2019-07-02 01:12:13';
   i              numeric   := (select to_char(age(ts_end, ts_start),'MM'));
   interval_value varchar   := i || ' month'; 
   xyz            date      := (select date_trunc('month',ts_start::date)
                                     + interval_value::text::interval);
   RAISE NOTICE '%', xyz;

Can be much simpler, though:

   ts_start       timestamp := '2019-03-20 00:00:00';
   ts_end         timestamp := '2019-06-29 01:12:13';
   xyz            date      := date_trunc('month', ts_start)
                             + date_trunc('month', age(ts_end, ts_start));
   RAISE NOTICE '%', xyz;

db<>fiddle here (raising exceptions to display the result)