Postgres Auto_Explain Parser – Easier Reading and Understanding


We have a number of Postgres Functions that each call a number of other Postgres Functions. If you simply EXPLAIN ANALYSE a call like SELECT parent_function(), the output is minimal, since it doesn't dive into the calls the parent_function makes.
Thanks to answers like this (Postgres query plan of a UDF invocation written in pgpsql), we discovered auto_explain.

So, we turned this stuff on:

auto_explain.log_min_duration = 0
auto_explain.log_analyze = true
auto_explain.log_verbose = true
auto_explain.log_timing = true
auto_explain.log_nested_statements = true

The good news is that it gave us what we were looking for: A way to see the timing of every nested statement called during a long-running function.
However, the output is very verbose, and it's hard to see the parent-child relationship I'm "used" to seeing in profilers:

some_big_function 1000ms
--child_function1 800ms
--child_child_function 600ms
--child_function2 200ms

Is there a better way to view this log output? Ideally it would group "nested statements" with their parents, showing me, at a glance, where I should look.
We tried pgbadger, but it's not configured to parse auto_explain output, since auto_explain of this verbosity isn't usually running on production servers.

Are there other log parsers (or other techniques) to help profile functions?

Best Answer


If you are just looking to take an EXPLAIN plan and instantly present it, here is a SQL-Fiddle like site called Just copy-and-paste the explain and hit Submit.


You could try pgAdminIII which comes with Graphical Explains

See the following links to how to use pgAdmin and other methods