PostgreSQL – Pagination While Sorting Non-Unique Text Column


What are the ways to paginate a table on a non unique text column?

On a unique timestamp column, one can create an index on it and execute the following to move forward

SELECT * FROM users WHERE created > '<last element created timestamp>' ORDER BY created ASC LIMIT 20;

If it is a numerical primary key

SELECT * FROM users WHERE id > 100 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 20;

But what can one do when the table is ordered by non unique text column (first_name for example)?

First thing that comes to mind is the OFFSET method, but there are performance penalties on large tables.

Alternatively, one could use a cursor, but the internet agrees that it not recommended way on a public web application.

Best Answer

One solution that performs well would be being smart with indexes.

First, create an index on two columns, one being your non unique text column and a second one being your id column (it can be any column that can be differentiated between non unique text column rows):

CREATE INDEX user_name_uuid_idx
    ON public.user USING btree
    (name COLLATE pg_catalog."default" ASC NULLS LAST, uuid ASC NULLS LAST)
    TABLESPACE pg_default;

NOTE: the order of columns does matter. Use the same order that is used in the select query

Then use this query to get x page.

SELECT * FROM user WHERE (name, uuid) > ('Misty Wyman', '070d905d-2155-492f-b811-2c9d30015299') ORDER BY name, uuid LIMIT 20;