Postgresql – order by random meaning (postgresql)


One possible way to select random rows in PostgreSQL is this:

select * from table order by random() limit 1000;

(see also here.)

My question is, what does order by random() mean exactly? Is it that somehow a random number is generated and it is taken as some kind of "seed"? Or is this special built in syntax, and in this place random() has a different meaning than in other contexts?

From some experimentation, the last explanation seems more plausible. Consider the following:

# select random();
(1 row)
# select * from article order by 0.336829286068678 limit 5;
ERROR:  non-integer constant in ORDER BY
LINE 1: select * from article order by 0.336829286068678 limit 5;

Best Answer

ORDERY BY random() is not a special case. It generates random numbers, one for each row, and then sorts by them. So it results in rows being presented in a random order.

Rather it is ORDER BY <literal constant> which is the special case, but that special case only works with integers. It throws the error you show for non-integers. The special case is that it uses the integer to index into the select-list, and orders by that column from the select list. This lets you both select and order by an expression, without having to repeat the expression in both places.