Postgresql – Optimising query: not sure why LOWER() index isn’t used


I've got comments that have 1..N comment_notifications.

Each notification basically contains a username of the user notified.

Each notification can be resolved_at when the user is done with it.

This query is slower than I'd like – seeing times around 100–150 ms in production (hobby DB plan on Heroku) but would like to get it down to at least 50 ms or so.

  SELECT c0."id", c0."resolved_at", c0."username", c0."comment_id", c0."inserted_at", c0."updated_at",
  c1."id", c1."github_id", c1."commit_sha", c1."body", c1."commented_at", c1."commenter_username", c1."path", c1."position", c1."payload", c1."inserted_at", c1."updated_at"
  FROM "comment_notifications" AS c0
  INNER JOIN "comments" AS c1 ON c1."id" = c0."comment_id"
    (NOT (c0."resolved_at" IS NULL)) AND
    (LOWER(c1."commenter_username") = 'henrik')
  ORDER BY c0."resolved_at" DESC
  LIMIT 300

These are some of my indexes:

CREATE INDEX comment_notifications_resolved_at_index ON public.comment_notifications USING btree (resolved_at);

CREATE INDEX comment_notifications_lower_username_index ON public.comment_notifications USING btree (lower((username)::text));

This is the result of the EXPLAIN ANALYZE:

                                                                QUERY PLAN
 Limit  (cost=57.86..57.86 rows=5 width=298) (actual time=1.931..1.969 rows=300 loops=1)
   ->  Sort  (cost=57.86..57.86 rows=5 width=298) (actual time=1.930..1.949 rows=300 loops=1)
         Sort Key: c0.resolved_at DESC
         Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 238kB
         ->  Hash Join  (cost=43.64..57.85 rows=5 width=298) (actual time=1.101..1.520 rows=459 loops=1)
               Hash Cond: (c0.comment_id =
               ->  Seq Scan on comment_notifications c0  (cost=0.00..13.75 rows=866 width=48) (actual time=0.014..0.177 rows=871 loops=1)
                     Filter: (resolved_at IS NOT NULL)
                     Rows Removed by Filter: 46
               ->  Hash  (cost=43.62..43.62 rows=6 width=250) (actual time=1.051..1.051 rows=473 loops=1)
                     Buckets: 1024  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 140kB
                     ->  Seq Scan on comments c1  (cost=0.00..43.62 rows=6 width=250) (actual time=0.058..0.805 rows=473 loops=1)
                           Filter: (lower((commenter_username)::text) = 'henrik'::text)
                           Rows Removed by Filter: 387
 Planning Time: 1.221 ms
 Execution Time: 2.056 ms
(16 rows)

My reading is that the username filter is the most expensive part by far. But I have an index on LOWER(username) as seen above. Any thoughts on why it's not being used?

Any suggestions of what I could improve, or further experiments I could make?

Best Answer

Two different indexes for your query:

As you found out yourself, you had the column comment_notifications.username indexed, which is irrelevant for the case. You need this one instead:

CREATE INDEX c_lower_commenter_username_idx
ON public.comments (lower(commenter_username));

More importantly, the plan also shows a sequential scan on comment_notifications - the far bigger table. Another index on (comment_id) seems to be missing. Or, tailored to the query, this partial multicolumn index:

CREATE INDEX cn_comment_id_resolved_at_idx
ON public.comment_notifications(comment_id DESC, resolved_at DESC)
WHERE resolved_at IS NOT NULL;

Run ANALYZE on the tables after creating these (and possibly deleting the ones you had).

Adding WHERE resolved_at IS NOT NULL only makes sense if a sizable proportion of rows with NULL are excluded.

If you can change ORDER BY, the second index can be used much more efficiently, yet:

SELECT, cn.resolved_at, cn.username, cn.comment_id, cn.inserted_at, cn.updated_at
     ,, c.github_id, c.commit_sha, c.body, c.commented_at, c.commenter_username, c.path, c.position, c.payload, c.inserted_at, c.updated_at
FROM   comments              c
JOIN   comment_notifications cn ON cn.comment_id =
WHERE  lower(c.commenter_username) = 'henrik'
AND    cn.resolved_at IS NOT NULL
ORDER  BY cn.comment_id DESC, cn.resolved_at DESC
LIMIT  300  -- or 150 or whatever

If you only added AND cn.resolved_at IS NOT NULL to get rid of the (few) rows with NULL being listed first, there is a more elegant solution with NULLS LAST.


WHERE  lower(c.commenter_username) = 'henrik'
ORDER  BY cn.comment_id DESC, cn.resolved_at DESC NULLS LAST
LIMIT  300  -- or 150 or whatever

Matching index:

CREATE INDEX cn_comment_id_resolved_at_idx
ON public.comment_notifications(comment_id DESC, resolved_at DESC NULLS LAST);


Aside 1: Why the cast to text? What's the actual data type of username and commenter_username? (Should be text to begin with.) And why the need for lower()? User names should not be saved with varying upper/lower case spellings to begin with.

Aside 2: The explain plan shows low cardinalities. Indexes pay for big tables. Not so much for small tables, where queries are fast either way. 2 ms doesn't seem too bad. 150 ms seems to be a misunderstanding, including network latency or display times.