PostgreSQL newbie – how to create objects in a database


I've just finished installing PostgreSQL and pgadmin3 on Ubuntu. Using pgadmin, I've been able to create a new user called 'test' and also a new database with 'test' as the owner.
Now I'm trying to create tables using SQL statements… but I can't seem to be able to figure out how to do that in pgAdmin. I don't' want to create each column individually using the GUI.
Is there any way I can run a SQL statement like:

create table test 
  id serial primary key, 
  name varchar(64), 
  handler varchar(16), 
  desc varchar(255) 

Best Answer

I figured it out. I can create an empty table using the "new table.." menu item. Then I can edit the table once created by right clicking on it and choosing "scripts".