Postgresql – Need ODBC connection to postgresql to include materialized views

materialized-viewms accessodbcpostgresql-9.4

I have an Access front end user interface that links to tables in a postgreSQL database using the most recent ODBC driver. I can link to the postgreSQL tables and views but can't get to the materialized views.

This thread describes a patch to the driver to include materialized views. Does anyone know if this patch is included in the most recent driver? If not, how would I apply it? If it is included, which options need to be selected so that materialized views are accessible from MS Access?

Best Answer

I have found that Postgres views are included in the linked tables within Access. Click on any linked table within Access and within the list should be your views. I always find it useful within Postgres to preface a view name with 'VIEW_' so that they are all readily visible and accessible within Access.