Postgresql – Nearest value for each foreign key

greatest-n-per-grouppostgresqlpostgresql-9.2window functions

I have a table with a primary key, timestamp, value, foreign key. I would like to find the nearest value to a timestamp for each of the foreign keys in a list.

Unfortunately, the gap from the given timestamp to the first value timestamp for one foreign key may be many times this gap for another FK. I've had a go doing something like this, but it only gives me one row, rather than one row per fk.

FROM   data_item
WHERE  fk_fc_id IN (35246,35247) 
AND    di_timestamp > '2013-11-01 00:00:00'
ORDER  BY di_timestamp ASC
LIMIT  1; 

It's like I need to take the limit on a per FK basis, but can't work out how to do that.

Best Answer

You can use window functions to achieve your goal. lag() and lead() are ones which can help you in a query like

SELECT lag(di_timestamp) OVER ordering, lead(di_timestamp) OVER ordering
  FROM data_item
 WHERE fk_fc_id IN (35246,35247)
WINDOW ordering AS (ORDER BY di_timestamp 

This will return the previous and the next timestamps, if there is any.