Postgresql – LISTEN / NOTIFY privileges


I have a single postgres database, with two users; Alice and Bob.

I would like to be able to do a NOTIFY alice_channel 'sensitive data' without Bob being able to sneakily LISTEN in just by guessing that the channel name is 'alice_channel'.

In practice the channel names are very hard to guess, but this is security through obscurity at best.

Am I correct in believing that there is no way to prevent a database user from using (abusing) LISTEN & NOTIFY? i.e. there does not appear to be any associated privileges that can be granted or revoked.

Is this a dead end?

Best Answer

There are no permissions on LISTEN and NOTIFY. It would not have made sense to have any until support for notify payloads was introduced in more recent versions.

If you want access control, create a table with the information that you want and then send a NOTIFY that's empty or has nothing but a primary key for that table in it. SELECT the row(s) of interest from the table, which can have access control, to get the sensitive data. This used to be the only way to use LISTEN and NOTIFY to send specific data before payloads were added.

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