Postgresql – jsonb and numeric precision and scale


I'm using a jsonb column, where the JSON documents contain large integers (PostgreSQL 9.5). I've noticed that when the value stored has too many significant digits, it gets truncated.

As an example, I insert this into my table:

{"value": 7598786232076607106}

And when I select back the same row, I get:

{"value": 7598786232076607000}

According to the documentation, numeric fields in jsonb are stored using the standard numeric type from postgres, and numeric normally allows:

up to 131072 digits before the decimal point; up to 16383 digits after the decimal point

Is it possible to actually get this behavior with jsonb, instead of truncation?

Best Answer

The issue wasn't with PostgreSQL itself, but with pgAdmin 4, which apparently is not capable of parsing JSON properly, and truncates the response from PostgreSQL.

I will be using a different tool from now on.