Postgresql – Join query result of 2 different tables based on common column


I want to join the result of two different queries from two different tables based on a common column (which is named differently in the two tables) but I cant seem to figure out the easy way to do it. I'm using psycopg2 on python 3.5.

From the first table, I need the Count of meetings. So I do:

SELECT   user_id,COUNT(1) as num
FROM     tasks
WHERE    created_at BETWEEN %s and %s

This gives me

UserID | Number
1      |  123
2      |  12

UserID is my mutual column. Now I made userID into a list by list comprehension, then I do:

SELECT id, given_name,family_name,email FROM users WHERE id in +str(userID))

and I get the id, given_name, family_name, and email fields from the second table.

Now I need to add the Number column into this result, which I'm doing by very inefficient non-DB means (pandas library in python)

I'm pretty sure this entire thing can be done in one query (perhaps with union?), but I cant seem to work it out.

Intended output:

id | given_name | family_name | email | Number

Best Answer

You can do it with:

SELECT, u.given_name, u.family_name,, COUNT(1) as num
FROM     users u JOIN tasks t
          ON (
WHERE    t.created_at BETWEEN %s and %s
GROUP BY, u.given_name, u.family_name,, (DAYS_AGO_7_CONFIG,YESTERDAY))

To address the question in the comments, you can add a HAVING clause after GROUP BY to limit the results to those where num is greater than 5: