Postgresql – Is REINDEX dangerous


I've been trying to COUNT(*) a table with 150,000 rows that has a Primary key. It tool about 5 minutes, so I figured out this is an indexing problem.

Citing the PostgreSQL manual:

REINDEX is similar to a drop and
recreate of the index in that the
index contents are rebuilt from
scratch. However, the locking
considerations are rather different.
REINDEX locks out writes but not reads
of the index's parent table. It also
takes an exclusive lock on the
specific index being processed, which
will block reads that attempt to use
that index (…) The subsequent CREATE INDEX
locks out writes but not reads; since
the index is not there, no read will
attempt to use it, meaning that there
will be no blocking but reads might be
forced into expensive sequential

From your own experience, can you tell:

  • is REINDEXING dangerous? Can it harm the data consistency?
  • Can it take a lot of time?
  • Is it a probable solution to my scenario?


The solution that worked for us was recreating the same index with a different name, then deleting the old index.

The index creation is very fast, and we've reduced the index size from 650 MB to 8 MB. Using a COUNT(*) with between takes only 3 seconds.

Best Answer

Reindexing is not dangerous and can not harm data consistency. However, if you have time critical writes, you may loose data if the table is locked and the DML is aborted.

Reindexing should not take a lot of time, but will usually involve reading the whole table, sorting the index fields and writing a new index. Given the time for COUNT(*) it will likely take five minutes or more.

It is unlikely this is an indexing problem. COUNT(*) should use a table scan in which case no index is read. I would expect you have an IO problem of some sort.

Try using COUNT(1) or COUNT(pk_field) which may use the index.

If you are running on a Unix or Linux platform you may want to monitor disk activity with sar. You might also have a failing disk which can cut IO rates dramatically.

Tables with large objects can also increase IO significantly to construct the records for COUNT(*).

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