AWS Aurora – Is Postgres Sharding Available?


I need to shard and/or partition my largeish Postgres db tables. The Postgres partitioning functionality seems crazy heavyweight (in terms of DDL). I see talk from <=2015 about pg_shard, but am unsure of the availabilty in Aurora, or even if one uses a different mechanism.

I would like something on the order of a "Key" Redshift-style distribution method. Furthermore, it would be great if there was some way to do it on a multi-colum basis (I can make a "fake concatenated column" if need be)

Best Answer

From @nathanlong's comment to my question:

On Sep 25, 2018, they announced "Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL Compatibility Supports PostgreSQL 10" - They explicitly mentioned "native table partitioning", though there are features in PosgreSQL 11 that presumably are not included; see