Postgresql – Is a dropped (or altered) function still available inside already opened transactions


I found

but there are no answers and isn't exactly the same as my question (though very similar).

Let's say I do the following:

  1. Create a function myfunc()
  2. Start a transaction from client A
  3. Start a transaction from client B
  4. In transaction B, use "create or replace function" to revise the definition of myfunc()
  5. Commit transaction B
  6. Call myfunc() from transaction A

What happens in step 6? Am I calling the original function as defined in step 1? Or the modified form from step 4 (committed in step 5)?

And if the function is dropped in step 4 rather than being modified, will step 6 fail or succeed? (This is probably the same question but modifications may work differently.)

Where is the documentation about this?

Best Answer

What happens in step 6?

Transaction A sees the updated definition of function myfunc() immediately. (But see the effect of cache below.)

And if the function is dropped in step 4 rather than being modified, will step 6 fail or succeed?

It will fail. (But see the effect of cache below.)

Postgres DDL commands are fully transactional. While transaction B does not commit, both transactions would continue to see different versions of the function. But concurrent transactions do see committed changes in system catalogs. Would seem obvious in default isolation level READ COMMITTED. But you cannot even prevent this with isolation levels REPEATABLE READ or SERIALIZABLE.

If you should have called the function in transaction A before transaction B committed a change, the local cache can interfere. In my tests, one more call worked with the cached (old) function before the next call was aware of the change and answered accordingly.

I did not find documentation how the system catalog cache behaves for this exactly (still might exist somewhere). I am not convinced the last bit (one more call answered from cache) is the best possible behavior.

BTW, your steps 3. - 5. can be reduced to just 4., without any difference. Explicit or implicit transaction wrappers work the same:

3. Start a transaction from client B
4. In transaction B, use "create or replace function" to revise the definition of myfunc()
5. Commit transaction B