Postgresql – INSERT INTO statement with select


I am trying to insert a new record into a table, but only if another record of the same table meets some conditions. Sadly it does not work I alwys get the following error: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "stackacos_pkey" Even though the id is not yet present in the db. Any idea how to avoid this issue ?

INSERT INTO stackacos (id, created_at, updated_at, owner_id, stack_id, admin_full, admin_create, admin_read, admin_update, admin_delete, "create", read, update, delete) 
SELECT 'notyetindbisforsureunique', '2018-09-18 14:34:57', '2018-09-18 14:34:57', 'test_user_222', 'KZROLZYQbSeHbMtZNFCpMlaKJyfaKFMdcbwGklCiUQBuIiZSptBSlVcuUGofnjMM', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'false', 'true', 'false', 'false' 
FROM stackacos 
WHERE stackacos.owner_id = 'test_user_1' AND
    stackacos.admin_full = true OR (
        stackacos.admin_create >= 'false' AND stackacos.admin_create >= 'false' AND
        stackacos.admin_read >= 'false' AND stackacos.admin_read >= 'true' AND
        stackacos.admin_update >= 'false' AND stackacos.admin_update >= 'false' AND
        stackacos.admin_delete >= 'false' AND stackacos.admin_delete >= 'false'
        ) RETURNING *

Best Answer

use nextvalue(idstackacos_find_the_right_sequence_name ) instead of


SELECT 'notyetindbisforsureunique', '2018-09-18 14:34:57', '2018-09-18 14:34:57'


SELECT nextvalue(idstackacos_find_the_right_sequence_name) , '2018-09-18 14:34:57', '2018-09-18 14:34:57'

If it's not working please copy here the definition of the table and of the sequence.