Postgresql – Index for a complex similarity query Postgres


I have a materialized view that has a few columns that I need to run a complex OR query on with similarity matching and the structure is like this


column a,
column b,
column c,
column d,
column e

and on column D (which is a TEXT field) I run a query like this

SELECT * FROM mymatview   
WHERE ((LOWER(d) = <<some value>> ) OR (LENGTH(d) > 4 AND d % <<some value>>))  
    OR ((LOWER(d) = <<some other value>> ) OR (LENGTH(d) > 4 AND d % <<some other value>>))

Currently the matview has 1 mil+ rows in it and it runs a sequence scan on that table using the filter above with the OR conditionals. Does anyone know what a good index would be on column d that would help with performance on running a query like this?

UPDATE: I am using the package pg_trgm for the '%' similarity operator here. Postgres 9.6

Best Answer

Your only chance is to index all possible conditions, perhaps PostgreSQL will use bitmap operations to cover the ORs. Perhaps it will think that a sequential scan is cheaper and go for that.

CREATE INDEX ON mymatview (lower(d));

CREATE INDEX ON mymatview USING gin (d gin_trgm_ops) WHERE length(d) > 4;