PostgreSQL – How to Import Large .sql File


I need to Import a large data-dump.

The structure is already created. But the data-dump is 16GB large.

If I try it simple with

psql -d "DATABASE" < "datadump.sql"

I get a out of memory Message on Ubuntu DB.

i have no idead how to import.

The DB-Server has 16GB Ram, 50GB Disk-Space free (its a developer vm)

Does anyone has a idea, how to import this file?


My postgresql.conf

# - Memory -

shared_buffers = 4GB            # min 128kB
                    # (change requires restart)
work_mem = 1048kB           # min 64kB
maintenance_work_mem = 2GB      # min 1MB

checkpoint_segments = 128       # in logfile segments, min 1, 16MB each
#checkpoint_timeout = 5min      # range 30s-1h
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9  # checkpoint target duration, 0.0 - 1.0
#checkpoint_warning = 30s       # 0 disables

# - Planner Cost Constants -
effective_cache_size = 12GB

wal_buffers = 16MB

The inserts are single-row and all for one table.
The Table has 71 columns.

I dont know, whats in line 1447540. No Texteditor can open this file -.-
(But the content of the file is correct. After spliting the file into much smaller files, the imports run successful.)

The first screenshot shows the free -ht output before importing. The second screenshot was taken 2 seconds before the out of memory messeage comes up.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

It's clear that the issue is related to stdin. If you have control over the dump process, a possible solution is to do not execute the .sql file from psql. To do so, you simply have to run the following two queries:

  1. Execute this from the original database: COPY (SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE ...) TO '/storage/mytable.dump'
  2. Execute this from the destination database (the one where you have the out of memory issue): CREATE TABLE mynewtable ( ... ); COPY mynewtable FROM '/storage/mytable.dump';.

You can mess around with the various parameters available in COPY. For example, you can export a gzipped file or a CSV with headers and custom separator: .

You can also issue a pg_dumpall > /storage/db.out to export the entire original database and run psql -f /storage/db.out postgres to recreate it on the new database: . This should work.. I've just dumped an output file of several tens of GB on OS X (linux-like) without any problem.

Se also pg_dump for more selective database dump options: