Postgresql – Huge database logging of event type rows and ways to optimize it

best practicesoptimizationpartitioningperformancepostgresql

We have a database that stores events. Events are generated at a 1000 per sec rate. We need to keep these events accessible for some years.
Usual use of these events is selecting some of them from the last 1-2 months.

Each event corresponds to a resource_id (estimated 5000).

Since just keeping all these in one table gets all maintenance and selects quite slow and resource consuming I was thinking on improving it in some ways:

a) separate every resource_id to each table. 5000+ tables. Selects from multiple resource_ids (maximum 100) will need some rewrite and unions or something.
b) separate every day to a different table. unions or something would be required when selects will require data from multiple days.
c) both the above (too extreme I think)
d) partitioning in someway on timestamp index and maybe even resource_id index. Is it worth it? Or "manual" partitioning of above suggestions is better?

The database is PostgreSQL.

Best Answer

We have something simular, ~5000 events per seconds. Tables are partitioned by month and we store 5 years of data. That gives us a 60 partitions, works fine. It runs on PostgreSQL version 9.1, works better than any older version when using partitions.

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