Postgresql – How to view the current settings of Autovacuum in Postgres


I've found a million examples of how to set Autovacuum's configuration settings, but can't seem to find how to list the current configuration.

Postgres 9.1 is the version I'm most interested in.

Best Answer

For the general settings use:

select *
from pg_settings 
where name like '%autovacuum%'

for table specific settings, check out the column reloptions in pg_class:

select relname, reloptions
from pg_class

You will probably want to join that to pg_namespace to limit this to a specific schema. Where joining needs to happen on the hidden col pg_namespace.oid (added 9.3+).

select relname, reloptions, pg_namespace.nspname
from pg_class
join pg_namespace on pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace
where relname like 'data%' and pg_namespace.nspname = 'public';