Postgresql – How to structure SQL data model to maintain data integrity



I'm building a Private Chef booking service where you can book a Chef to cook you a custom Menu. I'm having trouble creating a SQL db schema that accurately represents the domain while maintaining data integrity.


  • Customers create a Booking by selecting a Chef and a Menu and choose the MenuItems they want for each MenuCourse
  • A Chef defines a set of MenuItem that a customer can choose from to create their Booking
  • A Menu is a collection of MenuCourses. (ex. A Menu named "Tasting Menu" is a 6 course meal, where each MenuCourse costs between $10-20).
  • A Chef should be able to associate their MenuItems with multiple Menus and MenuCourses.
  • A customer Booking should contain the Chef the customer selected along with the Menu (and the MenuItems) that will be served. Booking price is determined by the Menu and MenuCourse selections (an appetizer costs less than an entree)


In my current data model, I have the following issues that I'm not sure how to fix:

  • it's possible to create a Booking with Chef "A", but then have a BookingMenuItem that references a MenuItem with Chef "B" (all the BookingMenuItem for a Booking should belong to the same Chef)
  • a Booking references a particular Menu (which I need for pricing, pricing is based on Menu and MenuCourse) however a BookingMenuItem for that Booking could reference a completely different Menu or MenuCourse

Is it possible to re-design my db schema to fix the integrity problems I'm having? Or do I just have to implement these checks at the application level. Thanks!


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