Postgresql – How to speed up simple query


I'm using PostgreSQL 9.6 and have the following table:

CREATE TABLE eco.tracks ( 
    id                   bigserial  NOT NULL,
    time_track           timestamp  NOT NULL,
    track                bigint  ,
    distance_1             int  ,

    CONSTRAINT pk_tracks PRIMARY KEY ( id )

And I manipulate data it contains with a very simple query:

  SELECT (track, distance_1, time_track) 
    FROM eco.tracks 
   WHERE time_track - (%s) <=  INTERVAL '10 seconds' 
     AND (%s)-time_track <=  INTERVAL '10 seconds' 
     AND distance_1 IS NOT NULL 
ORDER BY distance_1 asc LIMIT 1;

Some inputs:

INSERT INTO tracks (id, time_track, track, distance_1) VALUES (23467, '2018-05-18 20:43:06', 386, 17965);
INSERT INTO tracks (id, time_track, track, distance_1) VALUES (23468, '2018-05-18 20:43:07', 386, 18168);
INSERT INTO tracks (id, time_track, track, distance_1) VALUES (23469, '2018-05-18 20:43:08', 386, 18168);
INSERT INTO tracks (id, time_track, track, distance_1) VALUES (22974, '2018-05-18 20:40:07', 376, 8394);
INSERT INTO tracks (id, time_track, track, distance_1) VALUES (22968, '2018-05-18 20:40:00', 376, 9051);
INSERT INTO tracks (id, time_track, track, distance_1) VALUES (22837, '2018-05-18 20:39:17', 366, 13133);

This query is used to take the closest track number & other two params in range of setted time +- 10sec. But in my system, this one is a bottleneck, is it possible to improve it?

I've tried to play around with value work_mem, no success.

Actually, I use it for checking like if-else. And then make another query.
Can I merge it?

    SELECT (track, distance_1, aircraft_time)
      FROM eco.tracks WHERE time_track - (%s) <=  INTERVAL '10 seconds' and (%s)-time_track <=  INTERVAL '10 seconds'  ORDER BY distance_1 asc LIMIT 1,
    INSERT INTO eco.noise (
    time_noise, track, distance, aircraft_time)
      VALUES (%s, track, distance_1, aircraft_time) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;


 WITH check_1 AS
  (SELECT track, distance_1, aircraft_time FROM eco.tracks
 WHERE time_track - (%s) <=  INTERVAL '10 seconds' and (%s)-time_track <=  INTERVAL '10 seconds'  ORDER BY distance_1 asc LIMIT 1)
 INSERT INTO eco.noise (time_noise, track, distance, aircraft_time)
  VALUES (%s, check_1.track, check_1.distance_1, check_1.aircraft_time) 

Note: I use it in Python 3 by using psycopg2.

Best Answer

assuming you have an index on time_track

move the offsets to the other side of the inequality so that the arithmetic is only done once and so that an index on time_track can be used.

SELECT (track, distance_1, aircraft_time)
  FROM eco.tracks 
  WHERE time_track >= (%s) + INTERVAL '10 seconds'
    and time_track <= (%s) - INTERVAL '10 seconds'
ORDER BY distance_1 asc LIMIT 1,


or you could use BETWEEN instead of and.

SELECT (track, distance_1, aircraft_time)
  FROM eco.tracks 
  WHERE time_track BETWEEN
        (%s) - INTERVAL '10 seconds'
    AND (%s) + INTERVAL '10 seconds'
ORDER BY distance_1 asc LIMIT 1,