How to Run EXPLAIN ANALYZE and Get Query Results in PostgreSQL


I have written a custom PostgreSQL client and I want to add a function that would automatically capture query execution time.

The current executionTime value in Slonik results records the total query execution time, including the roundtrip and parsing. In order to capture the actual query execution time, I plan to prefix every query with EXPLAIN ANALYZE, parse the explanation and capture the results of the query. However, I cannot find a way to run EXPLAIN ANALYZE and capture the actual query result (in addition to explain output).

How to run EXPLAIN ANALYZE and get results of the query?

Best Answer

If you do:

set auto_explain.log_min_duration TO 0;
set auto_explain.log_level TO notice ;
set auto_explain.log_analyze to on;

then the client will receive the execution analysis. You just need to make it capture that message and distinguish them from other messages that might come along on the same channel. If you need an example, 'psql' does capture and display these messages (but doesn't interpret them).