PostgreSQL – How to Resynchronize Replica

data synchronizationmaster-slave-replicationpostgresqlrecoveryreplication

I have a server with Centos6 and Postgresql 9.2, I have set up a replica in postgresql to another server of the same characteristics, today in the morning I have an error in the archiver process on the primary server, the replica does not configure it I, I really do not have a lot of knowledge about this topic, yesterday I had to delete some archived files in the primary for lack of space but later I checked the replica creating some tables and they replicated to the secondary, I thought it was all right … I would like to know how to verify that the replica is working and if not how I can resynchronize the secondary. Thank you very much in advance

Best Answer

Since you deleted from pg_xlog, not from the archive, your first concern should be that you might lose the master, not just the replica.

Cross your fingers, and immediately perform a checkpoint on the master.

If you get into the situation again where the archive process can't keep up and is threatening to fill up all space on the pg_xlog partition, rather than manually deleting from pg_xlog you should instead change archive_command to 'true'. (Or change it to copy to somewhere else which is faster than its current setting is, but still preserves the files. Make sure to then manually copy those files to their final, slow, destination once the emergency is over.)

As for saving the replica, please answer my other two questions, preferably by editing the question to incorporate that information.