PostgreSQL – How to Restore Schema Dump to Different Schema Name


I know I can alter schema name after restoring but the problem is the name might already exist and I don't want to touch that existing schema.

The dump type is "custom".

So effectively I want something like:

pg_dump -U postgres --schema "source_schema" --format "c" --create --file "source_schema.bak" my_db
pg_restore -U postgres --exit-on-error --dbname "my_db" "source_schema.bak" --destination-schema "destination_schema"

If that is possible it would be fine if I could copy (and rename) source schema before backup.

Best Answer

If the data is smallish, I would just do the pg_dump, restore it to a temporary just-for-this-purpose database server, rename the schema within that temporary server (ALTER SCHEMA...RENAME...), and dump it out of that temporary server to do the final restore.