PostgreSQL on CentOS 7 – How to Restart PostgreSQL Server


I installed PostgreSQL 10.1 under a CentOS 7.3 environment.

The service is started ( file present under /var/lib/pgsql/10/data), but I need to reload configuration or restart the server following a change in pg_hba.conf.

However, trying different commands, I get the following:

pg_ctl reload -D /var/lib/pgsql/10/data
bash: pg_ctl: command not found

service postgresql reload
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl reload postgresql.service
Failed to reload postgresql.service: Unit not found.

Best Answer

I found out that you need to specify the exact name for the PostgreSQL service, which you can find under the list of services, using systemctl (also see this post):

systemctl list-units|grep postgresql
postgresql-10.service                                                                     loaded active running   PostgreSQL 10 database server

Then you can use service:

service postgresql-10.service reload


service postgresql-10.service restart

Alternatively, you can use the systemctl command:

/bin/systemctl reload postgresql-10.service


/bin/systemctl restart postgresql-10.service