Postgresql – How to quote arrays in postgres copy statement to inser into JSON field


I have some data that looks like this:

1,"some text here", 22, "[{'id': 'NfKA3', 'u': ''}]"
2, "more text", 83, "[{'id': 'W3nAl', 'u': ''}]"
3, "even more text", 14, "[{'id': 'CyrMj', 'u': ''}]"

I'm trying to insert this data into a table that looks like this:

id integer, 
body varchar, 
count, varchar, 
url JSON

Using this command:

\copy mytable FROM 'myData.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',' csv header;

However, I'm having trouble with the single quotes in the url field of the csv. I'm getting errors like this:

ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type json
DETAIL:  Token "'" is invalid.
CONTEXT:  JSON data, line 1: [{'...

Can someone show me the correct way to structure my \COPY command so as to be able to load the url field in the csv as a JSON?

If necessary I can do some pre-processing of the file at the command line.

Best Answer

JSON uses double quote " to delimite keys and strings:

[{"id": "NfKA3", "u": ""}]

CSV uses double quote to escape double quotes "" means "

1,"some text here", 22, "[{""id"": ""NfKA3"", ""u"": """"}]"

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