Postgresql – How to place connection metadata in order to trace the queries on RDS performance insights fot the postgresql db


In my infrastructure I need to trace my queries to the execution location from AMAZON performance insights in case of a huge database load so I can refactor them. Each query is dynamically generated hence in my codebase are hard to be traced, also we are in a refactorring process as well.

Therefore I want to place on each query extra metadata so I can trace them better from my RDS perfomrance insights panel in case of a high load. Do you have any idea how I can do this?

The trace needs to be in the following 3 axis:

  • Project
  • File
  • Line

So if I could provide this info at query execution level in my code I could trace them better.

Best Answer

In many cases, the application_name setting is shown for connections. If your database driver does not allow to set it when creating the connection, you can execute

SET application_name = '...';

at any time.

If your panel shows only the query text, then you have to add the information to the query text:

/* Hi, Mom! */ SELECT 42;
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