How to Move Old Data to Cheap Hard Drive – PostgreSQL Archive with TimescaleDB


I have a quite big PostgreSQL database (with timescale plugin). Right now it is consuming about 500Gb on a SSD. Most of the data is in the form of time series. In most cases data older than a few months isn't really interesting.

My idea was to move that data to a cheap SATA hard drive instead of buying more expensive SSD's. Is that a good idea, and is there some good practice for implementing?

My naive implementation would be:
Keep two databases (or create a tablespace on the cheap HDD). Fetch every few hours data from "fast" (SSD) database to the "slow" database (HDD). Every few days, delete data from the slow database. Is this a good idea? I am happy to hear some feedback and better suggestions.

Best Answer

Here is a better architecture:

  • Create a new tablespace on the slow drive.

  • Set the storage parameters seq_page_cost and random_page_cost higher on that new tablespace so that the PostgreSQL optimizer knows that the disks are slower.

  • Partition the big time series tables by time ranges (use the same boundaries for all affected tables) so that you end up with a couple of dozen partitions for each.

  • Move the old partitions to the slow tablespace.

Then you still have all the data accessible.

Use PostgreSQL v11 or better for partitioning.