Postgresql – How to log custom messages from inside a PostgreSQL transaction


I have a software that generates transactions and executes them. I would like to asynchronously inspect about the transaction progress in term of the simple proportion of queries executed over total number of queries. I'm able to read both stdout and stderr generated by psql, so I was thinking that a solution could be printing to stdout some custom messages like "Progress: 3/8" (or another custom text string).

I've thought about executing a "logging query" which stores in a proper table the informations about query progress, but this table wouldn't be available until the transaction completes, making it unuseful for me to inspect transaction progress.

At the moment I tried the following (suppose to have 3 queries in the transaction which do some stuff):

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION progress(curr int, total int) RETURNS float AS $$
  RAISE NOTICE '___PROGRESS___%', curr/total::float;
  RETURN curr/total::float;

-- First query
SELECT ... FROM ...;
-- Log the progress
SELECT * FROM progress(1,3);

-- Second query
SELECT ... FROM ...;
-- Log progress
SELECT * FROM progress(2,3);

-- Third query
SELECT ... FROM ...;
-- Log progress
SELECT * FROM progress(3,3);


I execute the script from a bash file using the following syntax:

res=$((psql -U username -d db -h localhost --log-file=plog.log -f "the transaction above") 2>&1>clog.log)

What I get from a transaction like the one above using the previous bash command are three outputs: plog.log, clog.log and $res bash variable. I'll post some extract of them to make it clear what's their content.


********* QUERY **********
SELECT * from progress(1, 3);

(1 row)

********* QUERY **********
SELECT * from progress(2, 3);

(1 row)

********* QUERY **********
SELECT * from progress(3, 3);

(1 row)


(1 row)

(1 row)

(1 row)    

$res variabile (psql return value)

psql:/path/to/script.sql:11: NOTICE:  ___PROGRESS___0.333333333333333
psql:/path/to/script.sql:16: NOTICE:  ___PROGRESS___0.666666666666667
psql:/path/to/script.sql:21: NOTICE:  ___PROGRESS___1

The problem is that I can't real-time access the content of $res variable. I can instead access the content of clog.log and plog.log, so the usage of RAISE NOTICE doesn't make sense at all because it doesn't appear in both clog.log and plog.log but only in $res.

Should I stick to parse clog.log or plog.log in order to find the SELECT output value from the progress() function (removing the RAISE NOTICE statement in that function because of it's uselessness) or there's an alternative method? Am I missing something?

Thank you

Best Answer

RAISE NOTICE is the right method.

The reason RAISE NOTICE output does not appear in clog.log is that your standard error redirection is wrong at the shell level.

You want:

psql --log-file=plog.log -f file.sql  >clog.log 2>&1

That way it redirects the standard output into clog.log and then the standard error to that standard output.

The way it's done in the question: 2>&1>clog.log does not achieve that because of the wrong order, as described in the bash manual:

Note that the order of redirections is significant. For example, the command

ls > dirlist 2>&1

directs both standard output (file descriptor 1) and standard error (file descriptor 2) to the file dirlist, while the command

ls 2>&1 > dirlist

directs only the standard output to file dirlist, because the standard error was made a copy of the standard output before the standard output was redirected to dirlist.