PostgreSQL – How to List All Constraints of a Table by Schema


Yes, I'm aware there is a question very similar to mine, the difference is that I want all constraints, including not null, which no answer is able to do.

Best Answer

Specifically for the "not null" part, thanks to psql -E to see what happens when you do \d+, and adapted/simplified from it, the following works:

test=# CREATE TABLE nonull (id integer NOT NULL);
test=# \d+ nonull
                        Table "public.nonull"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
 id     | integer | not null  | plain   |              |

test=# SELECT a.attname, a.attnotnull FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a WHERE a.attrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname='nonull') AND a.attnum > 0 and NOT a.attisdropped;
 attname | attnotnull
 id      | t
(1 row)