Postgresql – How to install and configure Postgres-XC in windows


Can anybody suggest me any resources of the complete installation procedure of postgres-XC in windows. I've installed postgresql-9.2 in my windows and can use it. Now I need to know the installation procedure of postgre-XC and the way to do clustering and the whole distribution and replication process using postgres-XC. I've googled and found few but all of them are for linux. But I need this for windows.



Best Answer

Postgres-XC does not run on Windows:

Postgres-XC currently runs on the Linux Operating Systems running on 64-bit Intel(R) processors.

The development team tested this with Cent-OS 5.3 and 5.4.

You might be able to build the data nodes and possibly the coordinators on Windows, but the GTM will take major work to port to Windows.