Postgresql – How to get user-specific settings in PostgreSQL


I have to collect some information of PostgreSQL roles. One piece of information is whether the role has different settings than 'usual', usual meaning here default values for only a few parameters (eg. log_statement).

So far I have only one idea: loop over all the users and issue the commands

\c postgres username

SHOW log_statement;

and then process the output.

I am wondering whether there is a similar method like querying the pg_settings view, showing per-user settings? I don't need to know session-specific differences, only those that are persisted.

Best Answer

You can get the role configuration by querying pg_catalog.pg_shadow or pg_catalog.pg_user, as the following:

--Query pg_shadow

francs=# select usename,useconfig from pg_shadow ;
   usename    |           useconfig           
 postgres     | 
 user_a       | 
 user_b       | 
 skytf_select | {"search_path=skytf, public"}
 francs       | 
 dwetl        | 
 skytf        | 
(7 rows)

francs=# alter role francs  set log_statement='all';

francs=# select usename,useconfig from pg_shadow ;
   usename    |           useconfig           
 postgres     | 
 user_a       | 
 user_b       | 
 skytf_select | {"search_path=skytf, public"}
 rancs        | {log_statement=all}
 dwetl        | 
 skytf        | 
(7 rows)