PostgreSQL: How to get a weekly average over a year including ‘gap’ weeks per animal from years of data


I have a lot of occurrences from different animals (see below) from many many years.

I am trying to figure out how to get the average occurrence per week on a year scale per animal. I eventually want to use the data to create a graph that shows when you can see the animal during the year.

I came up with the following sql but I got stuck as it does not fill the 'gap' weeks as I hoped. I am almost there I feel, but…

  1. The commented out part was a fiddle to see if I could get the yearly
    average instead of the total of ALL years
  2. I am missing the 'gap' weeks from my generate_series. Now they are generated over all animals. I miss some understanding here.

My fiddle is here

(There is also a bias in the data so that dec-31 and jan-1 should be skipped as only the year was known and data had to be entered as 'date')

    --WITH occurrence as (
    SELECT name, w.week, count(total) as total
    FROM  ( SELECT generate_series(1,53,1) ) w(week)
    LEFT JOIN occurrence i ON w.week = cast(date_part('week',i.from_date) as integer)
    AND TO_CHAR(from_date :: DATE, 'dd/mm') NOT IN ('31/12','01/01')
    AND name IS NOT NULL
    GROUP  BY name,w.week
    ORDER  BY name,w.week;
    --SELECT o.week, ROUND(AVG(
    --FROM occurrence o
    --GROUP BY o.week

Will give me the following shortened result:

name    week    total
bird    15      2
bird    16      2
bird    30      1
bird    38      1
cat     11      1
cat     14      1
cat     30      4
dog     14      1
dog     15      2
dog     33      1
dog     38      1
(null)  1       0
(null)  53      0

the test sql:

CREATE TABLE occurrence (name text,total int,from_date date);
INSERT INTO occurrence (name,total,from_date) VALUES

Best Answer

you had a scaffoold for the week numbers, that was a good start, but you also need a scaffold for the names, then you can left join both scaffolds and get a result that contains zeroes.

SELECT, w.week, count(total) as total
FROM  generate_series(1,53,1) w(week)
CROSS JOIN ( values ('cat'),('dog'),('bird') ) b(name) 
LEFT JOIN occurrence i ON w.week = cast(date_part('week',i.from_date) as integer)
   AND TO_CHAR(from_date :: DATE, 'dd/mm') NOT IN ('31/12','01/01')
   AND = 
GROUP  BY,w.week
ORDER  BY,w.week;!17/c96d0/5

Here I used inline values for b but if you have a table with all the names you could use that instead. or you could use (select distinct name from occurrence) as b