Postgresql – How to generate TPC-DS queries for PostgreSQL


I'm using TPC-DS to run some benchmarks on a few versions of postgres that I have. I noticed that there is no template for generating the TPC-DS queries with the target database as postgres. The query_templates directory contains template files for ansi, sqlserver, db2, oracle, and netezza, but none for postgres.

I've tried running the queries generated by each of the previously listed targets on postgres, but they all seem to have some kind of syntax that postgres doesn't support, because most of them fail to run.

Is it possible to generate these TPC-DS queries for postgres? Or is there a postgres.tpl file that can be downloaded somewhere?

Best Answer

Not sure about the TPC-DS, but I know that HammerDB will perform a TPC-H(ad hoc DSS) benchmark test against PostgreSQL. If you're looking for a benchmark, but not specifically a TPC-DS, this is a good tool for testing.