Postgresql – How to generate all trailing substrings following a delimeter

arraypattern matchingpostgresql

Given a string that may contain multiple instances of a delimiter, I want to generate all substrings starting after that character.

For example, given a string like 'a.b.c.d.e' (or array {a,b,c,d,e}, I suppose), I want to generate an array like:

{a.b.c.d.e, b.c.d.e, c.d.e, d.e, e}

The intended usage is as a trigger to fill a column for easier querying of domain name parts (i.e. find all for query whenever another column is written to.

It seems like an awkward way to solve this (and it very well may be), but now I'm curious how a function like this could be written in (Postgres') SQL.

These are email domain names so it's hard to say what the maximum possible number of elements is, but certainly the vast majority would be < 5.

Best Answer

I don't think you need a separate column here; this is an XY-problem. You're just trying to do a suffix search. There are two main ways to optimize that.

Turn the suffix query into a prefix query

You basically do this by reversing everything.

First create an index on the reverse of your column:

CREATE INDEX ON yourtable (reverse(yourcolumn) text_pattern_ops);

Then query using the same:

SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE reverse(yourcolumn) LIKE reverse('');

You can throw in an UPPER call if you want to make it case insensitive:

CREATE INDEX ON yourtable (reverse(UPPER(yourcolumn)) text_pattern_ops);
SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE reverse(UPPER(yourcolumn)) LIKE reverse(UPPER(''));

Trigram Indexes

The other option is trigram indexes. You should definitely use this if you need infix queries (LIKE 'something%something' or LIKE '%something%' type queries).

First enable the trigram index extension:


(This should come with PostgreSQL out of the box without any extra installation.)

Then create a trigram index on your column:

CREATE INDEX ON yourtable USING GIST(yourcolumn gist_trgm_ops);

Then just select:

SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE yourcolumn LIKE '';

Again, you can throw in an UPPER to make it case insensitive if you like:

CREATE INDEX ON yourtable USING GIST(UPPER(yourcolumn) gist_trgm_ops);
SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE UPPER(yourcolumn) LIKE UPPER('');

Your question as written

Trigram indexes actually work using a somewhat more general form of what you're asking for under the hood. It breaks the string down into pieces (trigrams) and builds an index based on those. The index can then be used to search for matches much more quickly than a sequential scan, but for infix as well as suffix and prefix queries. Always try to avoid reinventing what someone else has developed when you can.


The two solutions are pretty much verbatim from Choosing a PostgreSQL text search method. I highly recommend giving it a read for a detailed analysis of the available text search options in PotsgreSQL.