Postgresql – How to find table name for each row result


How can I find the table name for each row result in my query?

I have tried ideas suggested on the stack network (overflow, dba)

1 How to make a table name an attribute in PostgreSQL?


The template is the parent that spawns all the child tables I am searching. When I search just name and state, I get expected results, but they all come from different tables

select first_name, last_name, state
from template
where completed_interview_flag = 1

When I add the tablename as suggested, to try to find the source table name – I get an error

select tableoid::regclass AS source, first_name, last_name, state
from template
where completed_interview_flag = 1 

********** Error **********

ERROR: column "tableoid" does not exist

SQL state: 42703

Character: 8

Best Answer

There must be some kind of misunderstanding. tableoid is a system column that's available for any regular table in any version of Postgres since at least v7.3. Per documentation:

Every table has several system columns that are implicitly defined by the system.

tableoid is one of them. The solution I provided under the questions you refer to is also suggested in the manual here. And it works. I have been using it for years in various Postgres versions.

Either you are not using Postgres, or template is not a table. Is it a VIEW maybe? If you define a VIEW like:

SELECT * FROM some_table;

Then system columns are not included by default.

What do you get for

SELECT relnamespace, relname, relkind
FROM   pg_class
WHERE  relname = 'template';

Is relkind 'r', 'v' or something else?
Or do you get multiple rows? Then consider this: