PostgreSQL – Convert JSON Strings to Numeric Type for Aggregates


I am struggling to extract data from this JSON object in PostgreSQL:

"temperature": {
"boiler_temp": {
  "values": [

I am using jsonb_array_elements() to extract it but they are returned as a string like '1', '2' and so on and so forth. My goal is to try and find the "avg": 5,"max": 7,"min": 1 for this data set however because I am returning them as string I am getting a value of null and an error:

My current code:

(select MIN(x::text::int) from jsonb_array_elements((data#>>'{temperature,boiler_temp}')::jsonb->'values') AS x) as mininum_temp

And I am getting an error:

ERROR: Invalid Syntax for integer :""1""

Best Answer

You need to extract them as text using jsonb_array_elements_text(), then you can cast it to an integer:

select min(x.val::int), max(x.val::int), avg(x.val::int)
from the_table
  cross join jsonb_array_elements_text(data #> '{temperature,boiler_temp,values}') as x(val)