Postgresql – How to connect to an Amazon PostgreSQL database using SSL


I'm trying to log into an Amazon PostgreSQL DBS using SSL. I have all credentials but my psql version doesn't seem to support SSL. I've tried searching Postgres docs but all I see is how it has native support. Here's my command and output. I'm running the psql command on a CentOS 6.5 box.

psql  --sslmode=require --sslrootcert=rds-ssl-ca-cert.pem \
--port=XXXX --username=XXXXX --password --dbname=XXXX


psql: unrecognized option '--sslmode=require'

So my question is, how do I install a psql client that supports SSL. I don't need the full blown DB support, just the connector, psql.


I should add that I'm trying to follow these instructions.

Best Answer

Many connection options aren't available as command line flags. That's one of them. Use a connection string, e.g.:

psql " sslmode=require sslrootcert=rds-ssl-ca-cert.pem port=XXXX user=XXXXX dbname=XXXX"

(Syntax corrected)