PostgreSQL 9.0 – How to Configure Automatic Start on Windows XP


Yesterday I installed PostgreSQL 9.0 on Windows XP, and after the installation the DB was running. After booting the system this morning, the data base server did not start automatically.

How do I configure Windows XP to start the postgresql demon after each boot/reboot? (I'm a Unix guy, and guess that's easy for someone knowing Windows.)

Best Answer

Here's a couple things to check:

  1. I believe the Windows PostgreSQL installer has an option you have to check saying you want to run PostgreSQL as a service. Make sure you used this option when you did your install.

  2. Make sure the service is set to start automatically.

    • Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services
    • Find the service (should be named something like postgresql-9.0)
    • Make sure the Startup Type is set to Automatic