PostgreSQL – How to Change Default Output Format for Boolean Values


In a Postgres database, I know how to use case statements to get only TRUE or FALSE for a boolean field but was wondering whether there is a cleaner way to set this up like changing any configuration in the db.

Update: in Postgres, a the boolean representation for true is not only TRUE but also: yes, y, on, "t". So, I am inserting values with value TRUE. However, the SELECT command returns those values as "t".

Best Answer

if I understand you .. use this

b boolean not null default FALSE

on the other hand postgres still allows for more values that will be translated to true or false (Table of literal values for true and false according to

True   False
true   false
‘t’    ‘f‘
‘true’ ‘false’
‘y’    ‘n’
‘yes’  ‘no’
‘1’    ‘0’

so you probably can't enforce true / false - on other hand a select will deliver true / false as you want