Postgresql – How to change Postgres primary key column values


My postgres database has a column called "id" that runs from 40,000,000 to about 50,000,000. The "id" column is the primary key. I need to change the "id" column values such that they span different numbers in order to merge this database with another.

How can I go about generating code to change the values from 40,000,000 – 50,000,000 to, say, 0 – 10,000,000?

The table definition is

CREATE TABLE public.keyvaluehistory (
   id bigint NOT NULL
      DEFAULT nextval('keyvaluehistory_id_seq'::regclass),
   segkey text NOT NULL,
   dvalue double precision,
   bvalue bytea,
   tstamp timestamp with time zone,
   CONSTRAINT keyvaluehistory_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

There are no foreign keys on the table.

I can afford downtime on the order of minutes/hours.

Best Answer

I would add another column temporarily.

The first part can run while the database is active:

ALTER TABLE keyvaluehistory ADD new_id bigint;

CREATE SEQUENCE keyvaluehistory_new_id_seq OWNED BY keyvaluehistory.new_id;

/* update in batches to avoid table bloat */

UPDATE keyvaluehistory SET new_id = id - 39999999
   WHERE id BETWEEN 40000000 AND 40999999;

VACUUM keyvaluehistory;

UPDATE keyvaluehistory SET new_id = id - 39999999
   WHERE id BETWEEN 41000000 AND 41999999;

VACUUM keyvaluehistory;


SET maintenance_work_mem = '1GB';

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX CONCURRENTLY keyvaluehistory_new_pkey (new_id);

The following part locks the table and requires down time.

The most time consuming part is adding the primary key, because that requires scanning the table.

/* downtime starts here */



/* catch up */

UPDATE keyvaluehistory SET new_id = id - 39999999
   WHERE new_id IS NULL;

ALTER TABLE keyvaluehistory
   DROP CONSTRAINT keyvaluehistory_pkey;

ALTER TABLE keyvaluehistory

ALTER TABLE keyvaluehistory
   ADD CONSTRAINT keyvaluehistory_pkey USING keyvaluehistory_new_pkey;

ALTER INDEX keyvaluehistory_new_pkey RENAME TO keyvaluehistory_pkey;

ALTER TABLE keyvaluehistory RENAME new_id TO id;

ALTER SEQUENCE keyvaluehistory_new_id_seq RENAME TO keyvaluehistory_id_seq;

SELECT setval('keyvaluehistory_new_id_seq', 10000001);


Please test befor running it in production; I may have forgotten something.