Postgresql – How to calculate cache misses for PostgreSQL


I'm administering a server where a tool using a PostgreSQL runs. The tool takes care of most PostgreSQL configurations by itself, but I'm observing some performance problems. I could confirm at OS level that a lot of I/O is taking place, therefore I suspect that a lot of cache misses are taking place.

If you look for "cache miss" or "cache miss postgresql" or similar searches in the Internet, you will find a lot of references to "cache_miss statistics". But nowhere is explained how to get them! I kind of understood, that that value has to be calculated subtracting hits from fetches. But since I'm no experienced DB admin, I don't really understand with values are meant :-S

I found the PostgreSQL – Monitoring Database Activity documentation, but I'm not sure if following formula is all I need:

cache_miss = "result_of" pg_stat_get_db_blocks_fetched(oid) - "result_of" pg_stat_get_db_blocks_hit(oid)

An explanation for dummies would be highly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

I use this query to show disk x cache hits:

-- perform a "select pg_stat_reset();" when you want to reset counter statistics
all_tables as
FROM    (
    SELECT  'all'::text as table_name, 
        sum( (coalesce(heap_blks_read,0) + coalesce(idx_blks_read,0) + coalesce(toast_blks_read,0) + coalesce(tidx_blks_read,0)) ) as from_disk, 
        sum( (coalesce(heap_blks_hit,0)  + coalesce(idx_blks_hit,0)  + coalesce(toast_blks_hit,0)  + coalesce(tidx_blks_hit,0))  ) as from_cache    
    FROM    pg_statio_all_tables  --> change to pg_statio_USER_tables if you want to check only user tables (excluding postgres's own tables)
    ) a
WHERE   (from_disk + from_cache) > 0 -- discard tables without hits
tables as 
FROM    (
    SELECT  relname as table_name, 
        ( (coalesce(heap_blks_read,0) + coalesce(idx_blks_read,0) + coalesce(toast_blks_read,0) + coalesce(tidx_blks_read,0)) ) as from_disk, 
        ( (coalesce(heap_blks_hit,0)  + coalesce(idx_blks_hit,0)  + coalesce(toast_blks_hit,0)  + coalesce(tidx_blks_hit,0))  ) as from_cache    
    FROM    pg_statio_all_tables --> change to pg_statio_USER_tables if you want to check only user tables (excluding postgres's own tables)
    ) a
WHERE   (from_disk + from_cache) > 0 -- discard tables without hits
SELECT  table_name as "table name",
    from_disk as "disk hits",
    round((from_disk::numeric / (from_disk + from_cache)::numeric)*100.0,2) as "% disk hits",
    round((from_cache::numeric / (from_disk + from_cache)::numeric)*100.0,2) as "% cache hits",
    (from_disk + from_cache) as "total hits"
FROM    (SELECT * FROM all_tables UNION ALL SELECT * FROM tables) a
ORDER   BY (case when table_name = 'all' then 0 else 1 end), from_disk desc

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