Postgresql – How to Backup/Restore in PostgreSQL pgAdmin 4


So I feel like this is something that should be very basic and easy to do, maybe I'm just not doing things correctly.

I want to do the equivalent of SQL Server backups. I want to create the equivalent of a full .bak file and be able to restore a database to its original state.

So far I've tried many different ways in PgAdmin4 to create a backup file from a freshly created database. I migrate my schema which creates a bunch of tables, then perform a restore on the previously created file. What I expect after the restore is for all those tables I created to be gone, I expect the database to be in the exact state that it was when I took the backup.

I've tried many different options like including the Create/Drop Database commands preserving/not saving data on backup/restore but have had no luck.

Anyone able to help me out here?

I am using commands pg_dump mydb -Fc > db and pg_restore db. Maybe there's some magic parameters I'm missing for it to do what I'm asking above?

Tried pg_restore --clean db, same results.

The problem is I create my database, fresh with nothing in it, take a backup of it, create some tables, restore the backup, and the tables I created are still there. I want a restore method that puts the db in the same state as it was when it was backed up.

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You may find the docs useful

It sounds to me like pg_dump is "The Backup Dialog" and pg_dumpall is "The Backup Server Dialog".

  • The Backup Dialog

    Using the pg_dump utility, pgAdmin provides an easy way to create a backup in a plain-text or archived format. You can then use a client application (like psql or the Query Tool) to restore a plain-text backup file, or use the Postgres pg_restore utility to restore an archived backup. The pg_dump utility must have read access to all database objects that you want to back up.

  • The Backup Server Dialog

    Use the Backup Server dialog to create a plain-text script that will recreate the selected server. You can use the pgAdmin Query Tool to play back a plain-text script, and recreate the server.