PostgreSQL: How to backup only One Schema from a database and restore it on another server


I have a database named "A" which has two schemas "B" and "C".
I want to backup and restore Schema "B" on a different server? not sure how to do this as I am new to Postgres.
Do I have to create a new DB on new sever as of name "A" and then restore the Schema "B" on it.
pls help with commands.

information from comment on Peter's answer:

I want to backup and restore Schema "B " + data. Secondly I forgot to mention that Postgresql 9.1 running on Ubuntu 12.04

Best Answer

You can select which schemas to dump with the -n option of pg_dump. Create a dump of schema B:

pg_dump ...other...options... -Fc -n B >dump.dmp

Restore the dump file:

pg_restore -d somedb dump.dmp

The target database does not have to have the same name as the original one.

Note that you will have problems if schema B has dependencies on schema C. Then you won't be able to restore it separately.