PostgreSQL – Grouping Rows to Create New Group ID


I am trying to achieve the below but was not able to so far, any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have this data (sorted from a query by id, anchor, date, and time) that I wish to group by common anchor :

id anchor date        time     'group' (the value to get)
3  2      2019-01-01  07:00     1
4  2      2019-01-01  08:00     1
5  3      2019-01-01  15:00     2
7  3      2019-01-01  16:00     2
10 3      2019-01-01  17:00     2

I'm looking to do a query in postgres where I can select this data and foreach set of common anchors, have a 'group number'
I then need a query to sum the anchor of points of same group, example above would become:

anchor sum group
2      4   1
3      9   2


EDIT: McNets solution works perfect,
I have another case, with below data.
The anchor repeats but after a change of anchor: they're sorted by time, first it was anchor 2, then anchor 3, then again anchor 2.
I need to group after the change (ids 11 & 12) to have a new group number in this case

id anchor date        time     'group' (the value to get)
3  2      2019-01-01  07:00     1
4  2      2019-01-01  08:00     1
5  3      2019-01-01  15:00     2
7  3      2019-01-01  16:00     2
10 3      2019-01-01  17:00     2
11 2      2019-01-01  18:00     3
12 2      2019-01-01  19:00     3

Best Answer

Use DENSE_RANK function:

    anchor, sum(anchor) as "sum", grp  as "group"
         anchor, dense_rank() over (order by anchor) as grp
         t) t1
group by
    anchor, grp
order by
anchor | sum | group
-----: | --: | ----:
     2 |   4 |     1
     3 |   9 |     2

db<>fiddle here

More examples about DENSE_RANK here.

Even though it is preferable to add a new question when there is a significant change, this is the answer at your edited question.

select anchor,
       sum(anchor) as "sum",
       grp as "group"
from (
      select anchor, dt, tm,
             sum(rst) over (order by dt, tm) as grp
      from (
            select anchor, dt, tm,
                   case when coalesce(lag(anchor) 
                                      over (order by dt, tm), 0) <> anchor 
                        then 1 end as rst
            from   t
           ) t1
     ) t2
group by anchor, grp
order by grp;
anchor | sum | group
-----: | --: | ----:
     2 |   4 |     1
     3 |   9 |     2
     2 |   4 |     3

db<>fiddle here