PostgreSQL Group By – Group by Time Interval and Output Source and Destination Station_id and Count

gaps-and-islandspostgresqlpostgresql-10window functions

I am stuck with a query:

CREATE TABLE public.bulk_sample (
    serial_number character varying(255),
    validation_date timestamp,  -- timestamp of entry and exit
    station_id integer,
    direction integer           -- 1 = Entry | 2 = Exit

INSERT INTO public.bulk_sample VALUES
  ('019b5526970fcfcf7813e9fe1acf8a41bcaf5a5a5c10870b3211d82f63fbf270', '2020-02-01 08:31:58', 120, 1)
, ('019b5526970fcfcf7813e9fe1acf8a41bcaf5a5a5c10870b3211d82f63fbf270', '2020-02-01 08:50:22', 113, 2)
, ('019b5526970fcfcf7813e9fe1acf8a41bcaf5a5a5c10870b3211d82f63fbf270', '2020-02-01 10:16:56', 113, 1)
, ('019b5526970fcfcf7813e9fe1acf8a41bcaf5a5a5c10870b3211d82f63fbf270', '2020-02-01 10:47:06', 120, 2)
, ('019b5526970fcfcf7813e9fe1acf8a41bcaf5a5a5c10870b3211d82f63fbf270', '2020-02-01 16:02:12', 120, 1)
, ('019b5526970fcfcf7813e9fe1acf8a41bcaf5a5a5c10870b3211d82f63fbf270', '2020-02-01 16:47:45', 102, 2)
, ('019b5526970fcfcf7813e9fe1acf8a41bcaf5a5a5c10870b3211d82f63fbf270', '2020-02-01 19:26:38', 102, 1)
, ('019b5526970fcfcf7813e9fe1acf8a41bcaf5a5a5c10870b3211d82f63fbf270', '2020-02-01 20:17:24', 120, 2)
, ('23cc9678e8cf834decb096ba36be0efee418402bce03aab52e69026adfec7663', '2020-02-01 07:58:20', 119, 1)
, ('23cc9678e8cf834decb096ba36be0efee418402bce03aab52e69026adfec7663', '2020-02-01 08:43:35', 104, 2)
, ('23cc9678e8cf834decb096ba36be0efee418402bce03aab52e69026adfec7663', '2020-02-01 16:38:10', 104, 1)
, ('23cc9678e8cf834decb096ba36be0efee418402bce03aab52e69026adfec7663', '2020-02-01 17:15:01', 119, 2)
, ('23cc9678e8cf834decb096ba36be0efee418402bce03aab52e69026adfec7663', '2020-02-01 17:42:29', 119, 1)
, ('23cc9678e8cf834decb096ba36be0efee418402bce03aab52e69026adfec7663', '2020-02-01 17:48:05', 120, 2)
, ('2a8f28bf0afc655210aa337aff016d33100282ac73cca660a397b924808499af', '2020-02-01 15:17:59', 120, 1)
, ('2a8f28bf0afc655210aa337aff016d33100282ac73cca660a397b924808499af', '2020-02-01 15:25:25', 118, 2)
, ('2a8f28bf0afc655210aa337aff016d33100282ac73cca660a397b924808499af', '2020-02-01 16:16:12', 118, 1)
, ('2a8f28bf0afc655210aa337aff016d33100282ac73cca660a397b924808499af', '2020-02-01 16:32:51', 120, 2)
, ('2a8f28bf0afc655210aa337aff016d33100282ac73cca660a397b924808499af', '2020-02-01 19:31:20', 120, 1)
, ('2a8f28bf0afc655210aa337aff016d33100282ac73cca660a397b924808499af', '2020-02-01 19:39:33', 118, 2)
, ('2a8f28bf0afc655210aa337aff016d33100282ac73cca660a397b924808499af', '2020-02-01 20:57:50', 118, 1)
, ('2a8f28bf0afc655210aa337aff016d33100282ac73cca660a397b924808499af', '2020-02-01 21:16:25', 120, 2)

I have to create a query which gives a result as follows

source | dest | Count
120    | 113  |  1
113    | 120  |  1

I tried the following code but not able to get the desired result:

SELECT serial_number
     , count(*)
     , min(validation_date) AS start_time
     , CASE WHEN count(*) > 1 THEN max(validation_date) END AS end_time
   SELECT serial_number, validation_date, count(step OR NULL) OVER (ORDER BY serial_number, 
validation_date) AS grp
   FROM  (
      SELECT *
           , lag(validation_date) OVER (PARTITION BY serial_number ORDER BY validation_date)
           < validation_date - interval '60 min' AS step
      FROM   table1 
       where BETWEEN '2020-02-01 00:00:00' AND '2020-02-01 23:59:59'
      ) sub1
   ) sub2
GROUP  BY serial_number, grp;

The time interval is about 55 mins to 60 mins between every entry and exit.

I have also tried an inner join but not able to group by the time interval in an inner join

SELECT source.station_id AS source_station ,dest.station_id AS destination_station ,source.count FROM 
        SELECT serial_number,station_id,count(bulk_transaction_id) FROM table1
            direction = 1 AND 
            validation_date BETWEEN '2020-02-01 00:00:00' AND '2020-02-01 23:59:59' 
        GROUP BY serial_number,station_id

        SELECT serial_number,station_id,count(bulk_transaction_id) FROM table1
            direction = 2 AND 
            validation_date BETWEEN '2020-02-01 00:00:00' AND '2020-02-01 23:59:59'
        GROUP BY serial_number,station_id
ON source.serial_number = dest.serial_number and source.station_id <> dest.station_id

The challenge is sometimes there is null in entry date and sometimes there is null in exit date.

Best Answer

This should be simplest and fastest while transactions per serial_number never overlap:

WITH cte AS (
   SELECT serial_number, validation_date, station_id, direction
        , row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY serial_number ORDER BY validation_date) AS rn
   FROM   bulk_sample
   WHERE  validation_date >= '2020-02-01'  -- ①
   AND    validation_date <  '2020-02-02'  -- entry & exit must be within time frame
SELECT s.station_id AS source, d.station_id AS dest, count(*)
FROM   cte s
JOIN   cte d USING (serial_number)
WHERE  s.direction = 1
AND    d.rn = s.rn + 1
GROUP  BY 1, 2
ORDER  BY 1, 2;  -- optional sort order

db<>fiddle here

① I rewrote the WHERE condition to get all of Feb 1 2020 in optimal fashion. BETWEEN is almost always the wrong tool for time ranges. See:

Also, '2020-02-01' is a perfectly valid timestamp constant 00:00:00 is assumed when the time component is missing.

While retrieving results for a given time frame, a plain btree index on (validation_date) is the optimum. For the complete table, an index on (serial_number, validation_date) would help more.

validation_date IS NULL?

The query keeps working while only the last destination per serial_number in the given time frame has validation_date IS NULL because NULL values happen to sort last in default ascending order. But it breaks with any other cases of validation_date IS NULL. You'll have to define more closely where those can pop up and how to deal with them exactly.

(2x) uuid instead of varchar(255) for serial_number?

Your serial_number seems to be a hexadecimal number with exactly 64 digits. If so, varchar(255) is a poor choice. See:

Moreover, a single uuid (32 hex digits) should suffice. If all 64 hex digits are needed, still consider 2 uuid columns. Smaller, faster, safer. Consider:

     , replace(uuid1::text || uuid2::text, '-', '') AS reverse_engineered
     , replace(uuid1::text || uuid2::text, '-', '') = serial_number AS identical
     , pg_column_size(serial_number) AS varchar_size
     , pg_column_size(uuid1) + pg_column_size(uuid2) AS uuid_size
   SELECT serial_number
        , left(serial_number, 32)::uuid  AS uuid1
        , right(serial_number, 32)::uuid AS uuid2
   FROM   bulk_sample
   ) sub;

db<>fiddle here
